Articles on: Getting Started

How to manage a team

How To Manage A Team

Invite New Members

Now that you've created your account, let's go over how you can manage your team.

First of all, choose "Team Settings" on the menu below your avatar.

Profile Menu

This is your team's interface. You can change your team name, and invite new teams members, depending on your remaining number of invites.

Team settings

When you invite a new user, you need to choose if it will be an admin (all rights) or a simple member (limited rights described in the screenshot below).
The user will then receive an email invitation to join your team.

Team invitation

If you're on the Developer plan, you can only invite 2 users to your team. If using the Startup plan, you have unlimited invites, to add more, just go to the Billing page and update the number of team members:

Billing page

Assign permissions

After inviting members to your team, you should assign permissions to them, depending on their role in the project. Both the team owner, and admin can do this task.
To do so, go to your homepage, and on the bottom of the left panel, click on "Database Permissions" .


The displayed page will allow to create "Profiles" and to manage them:

Database Settings

Click on the "Add New" button, and choose a name for this profile:

Profile name

You will then see all the tables of your database, and you can choose for each one the actions that will be authorized: permission to read, create, update and delete.

Database permissions

Then by clicking on the settings icon (check arrow on the above screenshot), you can further specify the columns that you'd like to be displayed for each of the tables:

Table permissions

Once you save your profile, you can assign members by clicking on the little pencil icon:

Profiles table

Then in the modal that will appear, you can choose to which members you'd like to assign this profile. A list of all members is shown, both confirmed and pending:

Assign members

The permissions will then apply, and the members in question will only see the authorized tables/columns, and have the authorized actions.

We hope this article was useful, and if you have any further questions, feel free to contact us via the Crisp chat!

Updated on: 02/02/2023

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